real estate drone photography

Drone Photos Help Truckee & Tahoe Home Sellers Rise Above Competition

Drone photography is taking off as a tool for selling and renting homes. More than ever, real estate professionals rely on the unmanned flying machines to set their listings apart from the competition. Up until now, drone photos and videos frequently showed up on listings for mansions and properties in spectacular locations. But soon they’ll […]

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9 Housing and Mortgage Trends for the Rest of 2019

The first half of 2019 surprised housing markets across the country: Mortgage rates fell. That’s the opposite of what the experts had predicted at the beginning of the year, and it’s welcome news for home buyers, sellers and homeowners. Millions of owners could benefit from refinancing at these unexpectedly lower rates. In other ways, housing […]

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Your Welcome: Here’s Your Perfect Truckee-Tahoe Summer Weekend Itinerary

There are countless ways to waste away the warm summer hours of a weekend in Truckee and North Tahoe. Sometimes though, there’s simply too much to choose from, making the uninitiated fret from choice overload. We get it. We assembled the following sample itinerary for those times when your Airbnb host isn’t too communicative, or […]

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High Mountain Living’s 5-Point Guide to Surviving July 4 Week in Truckee & North Tahoe

And just like that, it’s the holidays. Well, the summer holidays, that is. And by that we mean, Fourth of July week in Truckee and North Tahoe. Whether you’re visiting or already living here, the traffic, tourists, and time it takes to get places sure can be frustrating. However, it’s important to remember why our […]

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Working with local home buyers in Truckee, North Tahoe

There’s no denying the impact second home buyers have on our economy here in Truckee and North Tahoe. We are a tourist town and without them, we have no sustainable businesses. That is, at least if we want the town to continue to operate as it is, at its current rate of growth. In short, […]

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